Who We Are
We are a community of Faith, Social Justice and Community Outreach.
We embrace diversity and it is reflected in our membership.
We welcome strangers and guests - whether seeking a church home or not.
We engage in personal devotions and worship together on a regular basis.
Music is an essential component of our shared worship
Our lay-led choir welcomes new participants - No experience required.
Ministry & Outreach
St. Peter's has been a community of faith and ministered to others for over 135 years.
A Community Meal is prepared and packaged on site by our cooks every Saturday morning in fulfillment of take out orders placed by our guests.
Our Community Pantry is stocked with a variety of shelf stable items and every Saturday morning our team fulfilling take out orders placed by our guests.
Our building and facilities are shared with those in our Community, including Overeaters Anonymous, West Allis Sketch Club, and the West Allis Radio Club, and The American Guild of Organists - Milwaukee Chapter.
Our Prayer Chain prays for others upon request and for victims of violence around the world.
Our Priest and Deacons provide Pastoral Care for the infirm and homebound.